Maddingley Park Master Plan

Project Overview

Maddingley Park is one of Bacchus Marsh’s most important sporting and recreational assets, having served the community for over 100 years. As community needs change, as well as the climate, it is opportune to plan for the Park’s future. We want to hear from you about why the Park is special to you, what you want to see preserved and what you would like to see incorporated into the Park.

What is the project?

The master plan for Maddingley Park will provide a vision and strategic direction for future development and investment at the Park. The master plan will provide rationale for the recommendations made based off a needs assessment at the reserve to provide justification for future developments. The master plan should consider the current usage of the site and explore future active and passive recreation opportunities that will consider and respond to the demographic changes set to face the broader Bacchus Marsh district.

Why is the project occurring?

The Moorabool Shire Council is committed to improving the health and wellbeing of residents through increased participation in physical activity. A key strategy to achieve this is to provide quality sport and active recreation and leisure facilities to support increased participation opportunities. The master plan will also ensure that any change can be appropriately managed to ensure the preservation of significant heritage values.

When is the project occurring?

The project commenced in early March 2022 and is proposed to be completed by late August 2022.

Where is the project occurring?

Maddingley Park is located on land owned by Council, and partly DELWP, and is currently managed directly by Council.

Get Involved

The project timeline has been established to ensure that adequate time is allowed for meaningful engagement with stakeholders as well as the community in general.

The project team is connecting with the broader community through Council’s Engagement Portal, both at the commencement of the project (now), as well as at the draft master plan phase. Keep an eye on further pop-in sessions detailed in the 'What's On' tab which will take place once the draft master plan is avaialble, anticipated at the end of July 2022.

Meetings will also occur with existing park stakeholders.

To provide your feedback, please click the survey link on this page.

Feedback closes 5 May 2022.

  • Community consultation

    April 2022  

  • Internal workshops

    April - May 2022

  • Key stakeholder meetings

    April 2022

  • Feedback evaluation

    May 2022

  • Park pop-in community consultation

    Early July 2022

  • Council report

    August 2022

  • Engagement outcomes reported back to participants and community

    August 2022

The survey is now closed. Thanks for participating.